They’re meaningless and all that’s true

Scene: Nate’s bedroom, 9 PM. The lights are off. A thumping noise is coming from the bed.

We hear footsteps from outside the door.

The thumping stops.


Nate (in a very small voice): Dad?

The door opens and Dad enters.

Dad: What is it, my son?

Nate holds up Muffy, a small plush dog.

Nate: Muffy is getting wet.

Dad: I see. How is Muffy getting wet?

Nate: I am spitting on her.

Dad: I see. Um. What do you think we should do about this?

Nate: I think I need a different animal.

Dad (slowly): Interesting. OK, let me put Muffy in the closet for you. Which animal would you like?

Nate: Um…

Dad: One…

Nate: Um…

Dad: Two…

Nate: I want Giraffe.

Dad: OK, here is Giraffe. Sleep tight. And Nate?

Nate: Yes?

Dad: Please try not to spit on Giraffe.

Nate: Why?

Dad: Because it’s not very nice.

Nate: OK. Good night.

One thought on “They’re meaningless and all that’s true

  1. I love your creativity and your humor. Thank you for sharing stories of Nate’s adventures. We miss you.

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