4, 3, 2, 1

Scene: the bathroom. Nate is ready to wash his hands, but he is not quite strong enough to turn on the faucet. Opa, Nate’s paternal grandfather, is supervising.

Nate: You have five seconds to turn the water on for me.

Dad (offstage): Nate, you may not speak to Opa that way. Please apologize, and ask him nicely.

Nate: Opa, will you please have five seconds to turn the water on for me?

3 thoughts on “4, 3, 2, 1

  1. So great. I love the way kids enterpret stuff.
    Thanks for sharing these stories. They usually make my day!

  2. It’s great that you can make note of Nate’s precious little exchanges and recall them to share with us. I was just thinking it’s been ages since I’ve made note of one of Jenny’s funny moments to share with others. She must have had them, her mom just can’t keep her head on straight. Bless you for being composed enough to share Nate with us.

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